Welcome to another episode of the child men anonymous club! At this week’s meeting Tony, Nick, Kaz and Tom report on what keeps them from becoming true men. Including: No More Heroes, Advance Wars: Days of Ruin, Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune, The Club, Zack and Wiki, Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops, Mass Effect, Rez HD and Pixeljunk Monsters.
Part two begins a series of epic debates, starting with the state of Smash Bros Brawl. Tony and Kaz air some concerns they have about how the game is shaping up. Nick vehemently defends the honor of the stalwart game we put too much time into.
Then the crew slaps on their money hats and gets their fanboy on in a discussion of the state of gaming, the console wars and where 2008 will lead us. Things get tense at times, but rest assured, even though we use the “f” word at each other (fanboy), we still love each other. And cooler heads prevail, unlike on message boards.
Suit up, strap in, pick your side and prepare to enter the console wars? Oh yeah, it’s a long one.
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