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The Rumble Pack Posts

Episode 98: Knowing Is Half the Battle

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Resident Evil Darkside Chronicles Promo ShirtThis week: More ghosts to bust, talk of game related goodies (see above), Battlefield 1943‘s Coral Sea map, Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor, Monster Hunter Freedom Unite online, and the G.I. Joe naming challenge.

A Call to Arms

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Howdy, Rumble Pack fans! We interrupt your irregularly scheduled programming to encourage everyone to pick up Battlefield 1943. Preferably for the Xbox 360, as that is the version that Justin, Kaz, and Nick play. Apparently, our mission statement says something about “a celebration of the social aspects of gaming,” and we’d like to live up to that pretentiousness. So gather up some Microsoft funbucks and look out for announcements about upcoming matches both here and on the show. We would really like to get some epic, 12 versus 12 matches underway within the month. Be sure to post your Gamertags on the message board.

Also, we’d better not see you camping on the aircraft carrier for respawning planes.

Oh, Otakon.

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It hit me last night, as I was watching the fireworks light up the 4th of July sky, that another summer has almost reached its halfway point without me even realizing it. They seem to go by faster every year, but this year’s seems especially fast. Maybe it’s because this summer is the first in my life that hasn’t included some type of multi-week summer break. Maybe it’s because the end of this summer marks the end of my unmarried life. Or maybe it’s because in less than two weeks, I’ll be revisiting Baltimore for quite possibly my favorite weekend of the entire year: Otakon.


What started out as a summer diversion for myself and 3 of my 16 year old friends back in highschool has turned into nothing less than an annual tradition for my closest hometown pals. Every summer since 2001 we’ve descended onto Baltimore for an extended weekend of goofing off, trading stories, watching crazy movies and playing video games. While it may seem that I’m skirting around the idea that Otakon is the “convention of an OTAKU generation”, the anime lures that drew me in as a teenager have most definitely taken a back seat to the quality time I get to spend with my friends. Highlights usually include:

  • Making fun of cosplayers
  • Watching awfully-dubbed and usually ridiculous Asian cinema
  • Playing a host of video games with over-competitive fanboys
  • Being amazed at how badly people can smell
  • Buying all sorts of imported goodies from the gigantic dealer’s room

Overall, it’s always an amazing time.

Episode 96: Know Your Segment

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This week, Tony, Nicolo, Justin, and Kaz get down and dirty with MtG: Duels of the Planeswalkers, Zooloretto, and MadWorld. We talk about expectations and how the segmented market can affect a game’s sales. Also, stay tuned for impressions of Garou: Mark of the Wolves, BoxLife, Ghostbusters, Punch-Out!!, and Tiger Woods 10 (with motion plus!).

Rocket Riot Review

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(originally published at Smile Politely, 6/30)

Rocket Riot might not sport the production values of a summer blockbuster,  but it could certainly match even the most bombastic Michael Bay flick in the number of explosions and pyrotechnics on display. Though not entirely devoid of strategy, this Xbox Live Arcade release probably won’t hold your attention for more than a few hours if you’re playing solo. But as an incredibly chaotic party game, Rocket Riot is a success.

You control one of dozens of potential tiny avatars, all of them armed with jet-packs and rocket launchers. Though your objectives may change from stage to stage, you’ll invariably be forced to blow both the levels and your opponents to smithereens. With endless ammo and frequent power-ups,  part of the challenge in Rocket Riot is just keeping track of everything on screen.

inFamous Review

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(originally published at Smile Politely, 6/24)

It took over two years to make it happen, but Sucker Punch Productions has finally delivered the Playstation 3’s answer to Crackdown. In inFamous, the electrified delivery boy Cole can scale tall buildings, skate along power lines, and call down lightning on a whim. The game is considerably more fleshed out than the Xbox 360 game it is trying so desperately to emulate. Why then does all of this feel so unsatisfying and incomplete?

I certainly wouldn’t blame inFamous’ failings on the mission variety. Throughout the lengthy adventure, the main objectives always keep you invested. In one late mission, Cole will be asked to climb aboard and dismantle weather balloons that are raining poison down onto the populace. In another, he must fight toxin-induced hallucinations in a subterranean tunnel. And in between, there are frequent obstacle courses in the city’s sewer system that grant Cole new abilities. Sure, some of the optional escort and scavenger hunt distractions become repetitive, but you can hover over those and not be penalized.

Episode 95: Hankering

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In this week’s episode, Nick furiously taps his Wii remote like a madman, Justin arrests Rocket Riot, and Tom ‘taps that shit’ for mana in Duels of the Planeswalkers.

(Justin’s note: Arresting [uhres-ting] (adj.) -  attracting or capable of attracting attention or interest; striking) (Justin’s additional note: jackass)

Episode 94: Morality

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Justin and Nick are back this week and eager to talk about their own belated E3 reactions. We delve into inFamous for the last (?) time, discussing how the game stacks up to Crackdown. This springboards into a discussion on morality in gaming. Does it always need to be black and white? Tony continues swinging his nunchuk controller in Punch-Out!!, and Kaz runs through the week’s nerd news.