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The Rumble Pack Posts

Episode 64: Michael J. FoxDie

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The entire Rumble Pack convenes a meeting of the mindless to namedrop Kongs and listen to Nick’s vacation tales. Tony embarks on Lock’s Quest and slogs through Haze for reasons unknown, while Tom enters the world of HD gaming, inches away from his huge TV. Justin is disgusted by Sonic’s first (and hopefully last) RPG foray.

After the break, Nicolo brings us moment of zen. Then, the whole crew launches into a lengthy discussion of all the recent Nintendo news. Is a DSi going to be worth your money? Why is Nintendo’s storage “solution” so disappointing? Tune in for the Rumble verdict.

*After the credits, get the early word on our “viral” marketing campaign.

Episode 63: Mountain Brew

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Due to the mortgage crisis and impending legislation, The Rumble Pack crew starts off the episode with insightful economic analysis…or not. After that, Tom awards WipEout HD the gold, Kaz drops bombs in BattleField: Bad Company, Tony revisits his childhood in Kirby Super Star Ultra, and Justin defends WarioLand Shake It from a misguided Retronaut.

After the break, the Pack casually discusses some of the bigger stories of the week. “Have you heard about”: Bungie’s mysterious announcement, Zach Snyder’s EA deal, or the rumors of a new DS? Wait, you have? Well, at least stick around for extended reminiscing of retired soft drinks like Fruitopia and Pitch Black II. Now accepting applicants for Tom and Tony’s Mountain Brewery!

A Rumble Pack Side Quest: Justin Plays Rod Humble’s “The Marriage”

1 Comment | therumblepack_xzebca

Adult Content Warning: When we don’t record the official podcast we can be crude and potentially offensive. You have been warned!

What starts simply as a horrible transition becomes a slow-motion train wreck that nobody wants to stop. From “Ghost Dad” to The Marriage and everywhere in between…

Episode 62: In Memoriam

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Nicolo, Justin, Tom and Kaz pay tribute to one of their favorite podcasts and two games journalist statesmen…by being  just as crude and irreverent as usual!

Tom and Nicolo bludgeon slimes in Dragon Quest 4, Kaz gives his exhaustive impressions of the Rock Band 2 guitar for those who unashamedly care, and Justin reassesses Yakuza 2 after having slammed it the week prior.

The lost topic from Episode 61 returns this week. We discuss the relevancy and merits of 2D gaming in a world of pixel shaders and bump mapping. Everyone throws out a list of their all-time favorite 2D games and hilarity ensues!

Make yourself heard on the subject on the message board!

Four Wheels Good, Two Wheels Bad

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Burnout motorists hoping for Road Rash-style brawls or at least a new excuse to revisit Paradise City may be disappointed to hear that the latest update from Criterion doesn’t add much content. I know, I know – it’s hard to complain when its free. But that doesn’t change the fact that the bikes and especially the day/night cycles are rubbish.

When I think Burnout, I picture cars moving at blistering speeds and trading paint. The charm of the series is the emphasis on reckless, destructive driving. So why then are all of the offline* challenges time trials? Totally asinine. And why are the bike crashes so anemic? I’m not looking for grotesque displays of carnage, but there’s something satisfying about the slow-motion car crunches that are the series’ trademark. When I smash my bike into the side of the bus, it’s very jarring to see it suddenly pop onto the screen unscathed immediately afterwards.

And the less said about night racing, the better. I want to know who at Criterion thought it would be a good idea to actually reduce visibility in a game that’s already too cluttered. The streets are lined with light posts, but none of them were programmed to function; Paradise City apparently suffers through blackouts every night. Luckily, the night skies can be turned off in the options menu, but they could have given the game a different ambiance if implemented better.

*I don’t have access to the online mode right now, but I can’t imagine that bikes would radically alter head-to-head races.

Episode 61: Secret Lost Episode

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After taking a week off from podcasting The Rumble Pack was set upon by the fury of Mother Nature. Power was knocked out, interweb tubes were tied and bad things happenned. In spite of the trauma Nicolo, Kaz and Justin attempted to record a podcast.

 This is the first half of the recording session containing only our trays. The second half of the episode was the victim of some bad internet connectivity, leading to pauses, dropped casters and confusion. The topics of the second half were revisited the following week, so enjoy this annotated “lost” episode.

Already Swamped

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Since the last time I posted…

  • Classes are going well but I already have a ton of work. I have a technology beat for my reporting class, which means I may have a chance to interview the folks at the Champaign-based company Volition (Red Faction, Saint’s Row). I’m also taking Graphics & Design, which focuses on “alternative story formatting” – think graphs and sidebars. The editing software is going to require some practice, but I’m excited to develop a layout skill set. (I’m also aware of the irony of discussing effective formatting while completely misusing bullets).
  • I’m so relieved that the Coens are still able to make movies like “Burn After Reading.” It’s been so long since they produced a funny comedy, but my faith has been restored. Pfarrer’s basement project and the J.K. Simmons’ briefings were the standout moments, but it’s the little background details that make BAR so special. Chad’s “intimidation” tactics, “Coming up Daisy,” even the Putin portrait in the Russian embassy…while I think comparisons to “Big Lebowski” are misleading, BAR is just as packed with comic touches.
  • Yakuza 2 is worth your time if you were a fan of the original, but I wish the story would just stick to the pulpy mob war stuff. One minute, Kazuma’s chasing down leads on the Goda family, the next he’s doing a part-time bit as a male host or trying to turn his adopted daughter into a pop idol. Just bizarre. Look for a review “this week.”
  • I’m really bad at staying on schedule, so disregard any of the promises I made last time. If you’re really curious about what I’m up to, I guess you can consult my twitter. I already feel like a tool, but that doesn’t mean that I’m going to stop updating.

No Podcast This Week

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After realizing the horrors about to descend on us in the form of roughly 400 games coming out this fall; we decided to take a week off and get ready for the onslaught. If you’re looking for some fun we’ll almost certainly be trolling the board during work hours. Until then.

Episode 60: Lives End This Fall

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Tony, Kaz and Nicolo stop collaborate and listen this week. Nicolo gives us impression of Soul Calibur 4 after playing for a while. All three talk about the windfalls and woes of playing Castle Crashers. And Tony updates us all on his journey into the bowels of WoW.
Then all three scroll down a list of the games about to beseige us this fall. And it isn’t pretty for your wallet. Go forth brave souls and be prosperous!