It’s been a very busy week.
3 out of 4 nights have involved overtime and I haven’t taken lunch in about 3 days. I was so exhausted tonight, that I missed a monthly night out with my fraternity brothers. I also haven’t played a game in days. If it were any other week, I think I’d be at the end of my rope.
But not this week. Oh no, not this week.
You see, I’m currently trying to complete a project at work – one that should have been finished weeks ago, but thanks to certain circumstances (you’ll have to private message me for them), it’s getting crammed into this week. I’ve seriously been working like a dog trying to get it finished by friday. Because Monday, I’m not showing up for work.
Monday is all mine.
That’s right, I’m making my own mini-vacation, and it officially starts at 5:00 tomorrow.
Of course, the main event is Saturday at midnight.
So you’ll have to excuse me for the short blog entry this week – every ounce of energy I have that’s not being consumed by work is being stored for this weekend. And trust me – I’m going to need it.
Remember to send me your friend codes.
I’ll see ya on the other side.